Viz (last reported 112768h ago)
Max Depth
40 ft
Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Napili Bay
Entry is sandy, and the bottom is sandy with moderately steep entry and then reef further out. Sea turtles frequent the bay, and snorkeling can be fair when the surf is mellow. When the surf is up visibility, and thus snorkeling, is poor. The water is frequently glassy, but when big swells come in waves can become quite large, and the rip currents which form here pull directly out to sea. Less experienced swimmers should avoid the water here during such conditions. There are restaurants, bathrooms and a general store in the resort. There is a shopping center with supermarket between the main highway and the resort.
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William Terrill
May 14, 2012, 12:00 AM
Good snorkeling conditions, fair amount of fish and sea life. Snorkeled around point to south and into the next bay. Ran into lots of turtles on surface and sleeping on bay bottom tucked into coral.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Rick Long
Jul 3, 2009, 12:00 AM
Fish count on snorkel using the REEF protocol. Forty four fish species during one hour survey, but not in great abundance. Very shallow - about 5 feet deep over the live coral reef just offshore, and about 10 to 20 feet over the patchy coral, and dead coral zones offshore. Rocking boring urchins are carving up the dead coral rock in interesting patterns. We'll continue to by-pass Napili Bay on our way to Kapalua Bay just to the North.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
William Terrill
Oct 11, 2008, 12:00 AM
10/11/2008 Snorkeled this in the morning. It's a shallow reef about 150ft out from the beach, with reef depth 5-20 feet. There were lots of various fish present, with more of the colorful angelfish and moorish idols towards the south end. Otherwise, there was lots of animal life.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Bill Stohler
Nov 6, 2007, 12:00 AM
I'll have to agree with the first reviewer...this site is very shallow...and in this diver's mind, much better for snorkeling than diving!
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Kendall Roberg
Oct 13, 2005, 12:00 AM
This is a shallow, extremely long reef. I dove and followed the skinny reef at least 1.5 miles off shore (long swim). Even this far out, the depth was on 23 feet. The coral is healthy here and there are lots of neat fish to see. Saw some large 2 to 3 foot long fish that looked like parrot fish but had whitish gray color? This is a fun site if you don't mind swimming and swimming.
Originally posted on shorediving.com