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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Aliso Beach Park
Are you a new diver looking to get your fins wet in a forgiving environment? This is the place! Bring a couple of tanks, a picnic lunch, and sunscreen, and you'll be set for a very relaxing day.
Located 1.8 miles North of South Laguna, and 2 miles South of Laguna Beach.
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Tide Report
Sep 21, 2021, 1:02 AM
You can't miss the entrance as the Pacific Coast Highway dips into the Aliso Canyon.
You will find some swells here, but you won't be pounded on any rocks! Take your buddy's hand and practice your entry and exit skills. Enjoy the reefs just a short swim from shore.
Parking can be found just next to the beach, so you can easily stage your equipment.
This is a full-service park.

Lisa Davis
Jul 9, 2012, 12:00 AM
July 8- Dove Treasure Island but stayed in the sandy areas to practice navigation. Not very experienced yet so we thought it best to avoid the reef with the conditions. Parked in the upper lot, get there early to get a spot or you are out of luck! $4 for 3 hours of parking but there are nice public restrooms at least. Lifeguard was present. Entry was easy, drops off fast so we were in chest deep water fairly quickly. Vis was at 10-15 feet at best, pockets of 5 feet occasionally. Went to depth of 30'. Current was moderate. Watched a sea star walking on the ocean floor, saw a few fish, and watched an epic battle between a hermit crab and a crab. Exit wasn't bad. Will return again soon!
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Brian Xavier
Jul 3, 2008, 12:00 AM
Dove the right side of Aliso which is called Treasure Island. Parked in the upper lot. Took gear to the far right beach and entry was great. Vis wasn't too good, but I think this could be a great dive. Quarter machines for pay parking. Dove to 30 feet.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Oct 10, 2006, 12:00 AM
I lived in Treasure Island for a couple of months and enjoyed this spot tremendously. Unfortunately, the construction that killed the trailer park killed the sea life as well. The entry is on the N end of the beach and it is usually protected from the surf, you will get a workout moving your gear though, so rest before you go in. You swim to the W and it gets deeper but never more than 30-45 ft with a beautiful scenery of coves and sandy bottom, it used to be covered with algae and sea urchins, now it's minimal. There were plenty of holes with lobster and Garibaldis being king here, few calicos and a few rays and halibuts. If you progress towards Aliso Rock keep an eye on your position as the conditions radically change around the rock. Surf, swell and currents along with very sharp rocks don't make a pretty picture, but if you dare that far you will see some perch and mussels, lots of foam and more life. The runoff did not get there that much. This site is frequently visited by local agencies, including police and lifeguards, so if you fish have your license handy. Once you get back to the picnic area you'll see restrooms, showers and snack spot. Parking gets difficult during summer time and many people just park along PCH. I recommend Javier's (Mexican restaurant) for after your dive!
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Derek Broe
May 16, 2004, 12:00 AM
Treasure Island just north of Aliso beach is a great dive. There is a new parking lot at the montage resort. Easy walk to beach on a new path developed for the resort. Winter is the best to dive. During lobster season the place is full every night. Usually calm conditions. Great reef and sea-life to be seen.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Mar 10, 2004, 12:00 AM
The best area is at the very north end of the beach where the reef and Aloso rock starts. Great underwater structures and caves as you progress North through the reefs. At the very tip of the rock formation the current and swell are very strong DO NOT GET CLOSE TO THE REEFS, you can get projected to it and risk injury or death ( Summer 1994) Life and plants are there and not near as abundant as it used to be before the construction started on top of the cliff. The storm water runoff deposited so much dirt and soil than the area lost 50 to 70% of its beauty, it is however still very interesting and inhabited. Night diving is great, lots of lobsters, calicos, perchs, Garibaldis and some occasional sand shark and rays still swimming around. Be safe.
Originally posted on shorediving.com