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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at The Maury Island Barges
The Maury Island Barges is a 4.857142857142857-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Washington, USA West which is accessible from shore based on 7 ratings.
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Mar 23, 2006, 12:00 AM
Well they said it was a boat dive, and we should have listened! I looked at the site with Google Earth and found a dirt road that went down to the site. When we got there we found out that it was gated off and laced in razor wire (old mining area). We then headed to Sandy Shores 3/4 mile south. Access to the water is easy but you have to stay off private property. So we swam it.... It took 45min to get there.... I wouldn't recommend swimming this to anyone unless they were a hardcore diver.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Mike Z.
Jun 13, 2004, 12:00 AM
This site is known as 'The Maury Island Barges'. There are two barges, well decayed in 45 fsw. This is an island so boat access only. Vis averages 15 feet and I've seen 50+ once. One of the barges is just south of the main dock area and one is just north. There is a 25' yacht in between them also. The southern barge rises to a height of 12 feet and there's lots of nooks in the center structure. Current rarely an issue. Also dive the dolphins after the barges in about 25 fsw with lots of fish and hundreds of creatures. Tie your boat off of the second dolphin south of the main dock and swim out to 45 fsw. Nothing to see deeper than 55 feet.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Mar 29, 2002, 12:00 AM
I have dove this site twice, both off of a boat as well. I actually did one of my open water cert dives here. The vis was pretty good, until our class got there at least...but, anyways... I have also dove here when the vis was so bad you had to hold your gauges to your mask to read them, so it does fluctuate. I have only heard of this site referred to as the Maury island barges. Would definitely like to know how to access it as a shore dive.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Curt Johnson
Mar 26, 2002, 12:00 AM
I agree with Bruce. I've enjoyed this dive and have seen a lot of fish and octopus there, but held off contributing a review because I had only done it as a boat dive. If anyone knows how to approach this site as a shore dive, I would like to know it. I have no trouble consuming a tank of air, and wishing I had more bottom time here; there is so much to see. We tie our boat off to the pilings, but I have seen people anchor inshore over the eelgrass. Maybe I have only caught this on good days, but I find the visibility excellent for Puget Sound.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Curt Johnson
Mar 26, 2002, 12:00 AM
I agree with Bruce. I've enjoyed this dive and have seen a lot of fish and octopus there, but held off contributing a review because I had only done it as a boat dive. If anyone knows how to approach this site as a shore dive, I would like to know it. I have no trouble consuming a tank of air, and wishing I had more bottom time here; there is so much to see. We tie our boat off to the pilings, but I have seen people anchor inshore over the eelgrass. Maybe I have only caught this on good days, but I find the visibility excellent for Puget Sound.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Bruce Robertson
Feb 21, 2002, 12:00 AM
This is a boat only dive. It is known locally as the Muary Island Barges, since there are 3 old wooden barges sunk at the left end of the pilings. The are starting to rot apart, but they are covered with life. Directly in front of the last, left piling, there is a small cabin-cruiser sunk to explore. There was an octopus living under it last time I was there. Just passed the right ending of the pilings, there is a bolder field to explore. The pilings themselves are worth a look as they quite a bit of growth on them, a good place to make your safety stop. Farther in towards shore, there is eel grass starting at about 18 feet, where you can see schools of pipe fish. This is one of my favorite dives because there is always lots to see.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
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