Viz (last reported 107835h ago)
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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Bainbridge Sportsman's Club
There are two entry points to this old quarry, but the best follows sunken road and remains shallow -- no more than 20 feet. During the summer and early fall the dive can be done is a shorty wet suit, and the diver is guaranteed to see bluegill, bass and other freshwater fish native to the area. Of course, there are deeper dives -- 100-feet plus -- in much colder water.
Along the east shore of the Susquhana River about 10 miles north of Route 30 or 15 miles south of Harrisburg off of Route 441.
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Tide Report
David Katz
Dec 9, 2012, 12:00 AM
BSC is well known within the central PA area and is visited on a regular basis by divers from all over the north east. Its primary attraction is as a training facility for everything from open water to technical diving certifications. The quarry is divided into three primary areas. The 'lagoon' which has an easy shore like access, multiple training platforms, maxes out at 20' and is enclosed on the eastern end by a road. This makes for perfect openwater training environment. The second area is the 'Bowl' which is bottoms out at approx 60' with multiple platforms and underwater attractions. The third and final area is the deep water flats at 90' for advanced training. In addition there is the 'hole' with depths down to 120' for technical training. There is a full service dive shop (air only) and is frequented by local dive shops. The people are very friendly. The visibility is variable with season and the amount of people around. Be careful near the bottom due to the thick silt.
Originally posted on shorediving.com