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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at USS Huron
The USS Huron Historic Shipwreck Preserve is administered cooperatively by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Town of Nags Head and the United States Navy.
Nags Head between mileposts 11 and 12. The Huron is 250 yards off Bladen Street beach, and the tugboat Expolorer is to the left of the Nags Head Fishing pier. See http://www.arch.dcr.state.nc.us/HURONBRO.HTM
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Tide Report
Nov 11, 2012, 12:00 AM
After the super storm Sandy passed of Nags Head a large piece of a ship washed on shore just a few hundred yards north of the wreck of the Huron. The piece is triangular, about 15 ft by 15 ft and is three layers of timbers thick with a large ring of steel toward the point and a second hole (no steel but it looks like it was the twin to the other). Could this be the bow of the Huron?
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Joe Mierwa
May 11, 2007, 12:00 AM
This is a bit of an old evaluation, but still salient. I've done more dives than I can count on this wreck, and it remains my best series of shore dives. Consequently, my comments. Also, bear in mind that I have not been on this wreck since 1994, but the fact that I saw more recent comments, suggest my points might be still valid. <br>1. They used to "mark" the buoy starting every Memorial Day, but beware as the buoy marker, if present, is approximate at best. Plan a first dive of the season to mark compass settings for future dives. <br>2. When the surge is strong, vis at the bow is really bad, but the stern will still be good. If you are prone to seasickness, make sure and take them or you will be miserable on the return swim. <br>3. On really good days, you can see parts of the ship from the surface. <br>4. Halfway between the Huron and the shore, and halfway between the Huron and Pier, is a sunken tugboat in about 10 feet of water, the parts that are visible change from dive to dive because of the sand. It's a nice way to break up the return. <br>5. For novice divers, pay attention to the shore current. <br>Lastly, I had done the Huron as the map for my DM certification. If I can find it, I'll post the compass headings and map at the time.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
NC Diver
Feb 20, 2005, 12:00 AM
Great dive site, especially for naval history fans. Long surface swim not for the novice, or those w/o mental capacity to realize bull and hammerheads have been seen around the wreck :) Conditions vary, however, usually pretty good (5-10ft viz). Integrity of wreck visible. All-in-all, a great wreck shore dive for NC.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Feb 29, 2004, 12:00 AM
There is a public beach access about 150 yds North of the Nags Head Pier. The access has a historical sign about the wreck, plus, there is a pavilion that describes the history and current description of dive site. The wreck is usually buoyed during the summer months. Swim to anchor line and down to bow. Explore the wreck, however, do not take anything with you. This wreck is protected by the state. There are still cannonballs, guns, etc that can be observed. Rinse off showers are available when you exit.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
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