Viz (last reported 111325h ago)
Max Depth
Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Wing Beach, Saipan
The northernmost edge of this beach is a flat rock/coral slope, rather like a boat-loading ramp. It's a cut in an otherwise uninterrupted coral wall, so naturally it will have a strong outgoing rip current when waves are high. Follow the right wall outward. It will lead to gradually increasing depths, until finally you reach a massive tower beside an equally impressive 90' sea cliff that starts at 15' below the surface and goes down from there. Beside the tower is a 60' long deep "notch" or "valley" or "crack" that is as deep as the sea-cliff itself. Corals, morays, and a scattering of fishes make this site nice. It's not nearly as impressive or dramatic as other beach dives on Saipan, but offers a nice alternative if you just want to be utterly alone in crystal-clear water. Bring gloves, because you will have to stick your fingers into sharp holes to clamber back the last 60' shoreward against the rip-current.
Head North. You'll pass the Nikko Hotel on the left, and then on the left, you'll see a dirt road (tough on a rent-a-car). Follow this dirt road to its northernmost extremity. You'll see that you're paralleling a loooong empty white pebble beach. This is Wing Beach. You're only interested in the Northernmost end, where there's a small empty field to park, adjacent to the beach. Gear up at your car, and walk down to the water. THERE ARE NO FACILITIES OF ANY KIND HERE. No bathroom, no other people, no phone, no water, no electricity.
Nearby Shops
Tide Report
Harry B. Blalock
May 10, 2012, 12:00 AM
Wing Beach is one of the best dives Saipan has to offer. The corals are some of the most colorful anywhere, and the topography of the dive site is amazing. There are usually many lionfish and octopus hanging out in the various holes.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Mark James
Oct 6, 2005, 12:00 AM
Wing beach is a great dive. The shore entry can be a bit tricky when the rip is strong. Dive shops will install a rope to pull you back through the rip at the end of the dive. Sometimes the rope breaks and I don't recommend the site without it. The best time to dive wing is April to June but can be done earlier or later depending on weather and conditions.
Originally posted on shorediving.com