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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Worth avenue, Pier Debris
I have been told there is pier debris straight out from worth avenue, I did not find this, not surprising since I went here on a stormy day. However I did find a series of ledges following the shore, about 200 yards out. These were inhabited by the usual cast of characters, damsels, doctor fish, triggerfish, etc. Closer to the shore There were huge schools Barracuda-like fish. When I swam past the ledges I found a reef containing mostly soft corals, with some large orange sponges as well.
This is at the end of worth street in Lake Worth Florida. You can get here by exiting the 95 at Okeechobee Blvd then go east This road will dead-end into US1, take a left here, then an immediate right onto the bridge (lakeview avenue). Follow this road until the A1A then go south on A1A five blocks to worth avenue. There are meters along the ocean, a dollar an hour. To enter, go straight east from the dead-end of worth avenue. you can see the reef as a dark patch in the water.
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Tide Report
Bill from Naples
Aug 15, 2011, 12:00 AM
I called the local dive shop, E-Force. They said the rocks were right off of Worth ave....20 yards out in the water. We never found the rocks and were very disappointed. Water was very clean and clear and there was a lot of bait fish and TONS of huge jellyfish.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Oct 29, 2010, 12:00 AM
The city has built a sort of monument/pylon at the end of Worth Ave. The debris is straight East of the pylon. There is also a rock pile at the waters edge, enter there and swim straight East. The debris starts at 100 yards out and continues out towards the first reef line, very low relief. Lots of juvenile tropicals and a very easy shore dive. Parking is now $2.00 an hour and the machine takes credit cards. There is a lifeguard station and shower just to the North.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Jesse Rorabaugh
Aug 18, 2004, 12:00 AM
When I went here in Jan 2004 I think it was a case of the right site, the wrong day. Getting past the surf was a difficult task, and as a California diver I do have extensive surf experience. Once I got out there vis was terrible, and I could not find what I was looking for. It did look as if the reef might be a good place to be on a nicer day however so I will probably go back if I am in Florida during the summer.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
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