Viz (last reported 125708h ago)
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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Blue Lakes
Blue Lake is a large spring-fed pond out in the wilderness of the Utah-Nevada border (about 20 miles south of Wendover). The warm spring water keeps the lake open to diving year-round. Blue Lake is known for excellent visibility, Blue Lake's water is slightly salty to the taste and light blue in color. Surface water temperature is around 78 degrees in mid-summer. Near the bottom, the temperature increases to 83. (Winter surface temperature is around 69.) There is no thermocline. Depth is 55 feet, with "boiling silt" at the bottom where water comes up from the springs. Visibility is 15-25 feet. Silt is easily stirred up by divers on the bottom. Friendly fish, and warm water. Altitude is around 4,300 feet. Parking area GPS is N 40 30.107' W 114 02.161'. There are several underwater sculptures to find on the bottom of this lake. You can also find two small boat wrecks. The lake covers several acres, and is deep enough to be a good refresher for deeper water dives on the ocean.
Blue Lake is a large spring-fed pond out in the wilderness of the Utah-Nevada border (about 20 miles south of Wendover). Parking area GPS is N 40 30.107' W 114 02.161'.
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Tide Report
Nov 25, 2010, 12:00 AM
Blue Lakes is up a rough gravel road maybe 3 miles... We dove on a Wed. We had the lake to ourselves which hugely increases visibility, as several classes invade the lake on the weekends and the bottom is very silty. With two of us in the water our visibility was approx 20 ft. water temperature was 78 and air temp was 50 deg. it was a great day to visit Blue Lake! We visited both small boat wrecks and several of the sculptures that litter the bottom. There are no services at Blue Lake, from what I can tell the nearest Air fills are Bonneville sea base (guessing 2 hours away). The lake is reached by way of 200 feet of board walk that crosses a marsh to the staging area. KUDOS to the ppl who built that! Wendover offers cheap rooms through out the weekdays and is only half hour from the parking lot. Reason I gave this site a lower rating for advanced and beginner divers is the silty bottom that goes along with beginners, and the lack of things to see for the advanced divers.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
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