Viz (last reported 16545h ago)
Max Depth
46.9 ft
Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Ansell Place
Ansel Point is largely a sheer wall, so it is a site that is appropriate for those that are very comfortable with their buoyancy in cold water conditions.
Either direction has plenty of wall to explore with critters like squat lobsters, golf ball crabs and the occasional seal to check out. There are a pair of wolf eels that are intermittently spotted under a large rock at approximately 75' (22m) on the wall if you head to the right.
A point of interest to the diver's left as you enter the water is a wall cutting at about 20 meters that goes back into the cliff about 4-5 meters. It tends to be a gathering place for rockfish and ling cod and is a good place to begin your dive.
The access to this site can be slightly difficult as you need to go down 65 steps followed by a climb down high and uneven rock to cross into the tidal area. Occasionally rough water can make entry and exit from the site a challenge. Good fitness is essential.
If you're planning two dives leave your gear at the bottom of the stairs and just replace your tanks.
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