Viz (last reported 177176h ago)
Max Depth
55.1 ft
Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Monarch
The Monarch (St. Clair River) is a 60 foot, wooden hulled, steam powered tug that sank in 1939. The Monarch is on her starboard side facing up river. Access into the main cabin allows you to get out of the current. The boilers and winches can be seen on the aft deck. Visibility can be up to 70 feet, if the wind has been from the south for a week or more. If there is a stiff north wind blowing, go somewhere else. This is an advanced dive due to the strong currents in the river and the freighter traffic overhead. Don't even think about trying to bring a float & flag with you. Head back when you are down to half of your air.
Located just south of the Blue Water Bridge in Sarnia, Ontario. Entry point is by the large stanchion post about 300 yards south of the bridge. The local dive club maintains a cable that leads out to the wreck. The site can also be reached by diving on The Barge and drifting down river (see The Barge site).
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Tide Report
Jan 11, 2005, 12:00 AM
Any one diving in this part of Ontario should make a stop here. Also a good place to bring your family
to watch the boats & big ships. Great place for a BBQ!
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Nov 16, 2003, 12:00 AM
Exciting daytime dives can be made on this intact wreck. Night dives are even better! Beware heavy daytime boat traffic overhead. Surfacing anywhere but at the shore is dangerous. Using a float & flag impossible due to strong currents. Intermediate / advanced dive.
Originally posted on shorediving.com