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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Sheraton Caverns
First thing’s first: bring a camera and a flashlight. This popular site delights novice and advanced divers alike with some of Kauai’s most gorgeous underwater vistas. Located just off Poipu Beach, the coral and marine life live relatively untroubled by harsh ocean swells.
The site’s main attraction is a trio of striking lava tubes that tunnel toward the Sheraton Kauai Hotel’s house beach. Divers kick through these massive structures, with communities of reef crabs, spiny lobsters and shrimp scampering between the nooks to crannies. Remember to crane your neck to the tubes’ lava ceilings: you’re sure to spot some crustaceans and turkeyfish dangling from the cracks.
Outside the tubes, even more sea life darts about from yellowmargin and white-mouth moray eels to gentle sea turtles—even the elusive leaf- and giant anglerfish make the occasional appearance
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Tide Report
Kaimana Poulton
Aug 30, 2022, 8:21 PM
Was at Kalanipuao rock, massive coral head mushrooming up out
Sep 21, 2021, 1:07 AM
If the primary parking is full, go back about 100 feet to find this additional parking.
Here is the primary parking for a dozen cars right next to the public access beach
Entry is straight out this sandy beach.
Even close to shore, you can see that the bottom will be interesting.
Generally, you could follow the channels out to the deeper water, but we do not recommend it. See our introductory comments.

Randy Brooks
Sep 5, 2012, 12:00 AM
Did a night dive here. Was my partner's first ever night dive. We both really enjoyed it. I was considering doing it as a shore-dive during the day and it was pointed out to me that if I broke a fin strap or something, then I would be at the mercy of whomever I might find to help. I decided against it.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Darrin Nelson-Hoffman
Feb 26, 2009, 12:00 AM
The hardest part of this dive for us was the entry and the exit. We entered and exited on the rocky beach west of the Sheraton which would have been fine without any surf, however some surf was present and our hands got scraped up a little bit. I would recommend entering and exiting from the sandy beach in front of the Sheraton even though the swim is a little longer. We are in good shape, and so the 1/4 mile swim out and 1/4 mile swim back were relaxing. The dive is absolutely fantastic. Besides being named Sheraton Caverns, it should be named turtle city. I have never seen so many turtles. Turtles flying every which way, turtles eating, turtles fighting, turtles sleeping in rooms in caves. The most fascinating part was meeting and passing turtles as they would fly through the arches and lava tubes. Knowing this dive's location was only possible for us when a dive boat anchored there. Thanks to the dive boat operators and their customers for showing the location of this fantastic dive to us shore divers.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Chip from Chandler
Aug 11, 2008, 12:00 AM
First time diving in Kauai - first site dove. If there weren't huge green turtles lying in/about the caverns, then this site would be a big fat zero in my book. I have dove many other places with more colorful coral and sea life than this. If the turtles weren't there - you're basically diving around lifeless gray rocks with some coral here and there. Don't get me wrong - the turtles are AWESOME and meandering throughout the caverns amongst them is AWESOME. I recommend this dive - just don't expect much else other than those 2 things.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Jul 23, 2008, 12:00 AM
It makes a great night dive but I would not consider it a shore dive. As other reviews had said, it is a long swim to the site from the shore.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Scott G
Oct 4, 2007, 12:00 AM
My wife and I just dove this site from shore, and it was great! We parked in the public lot just west of the Sheraton. Surf was up a little, and the entry/exit was rocky but very doable, just walk slowly. We entered just west of the parking lot (205 heading to the caverns), and exited just east (180 heading to the caverns). Pick your entry/exit points based on the surf. The swim out was much shorter than I expected, only a 15 minute swim out. We swam back underwater and only used 500PSI coming back. The dive was fantastic, great vis, lots of schooling fish and turtles. It's easy to find the caverns if dive boats are out there, they will be directly under the eastern dive boat (if there are more than 1 dive boat). The caverns go from 45ft down to 64ft. The reef goes all the way out from the shore to the caverns.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Rick from New Tripoli
Aug 17, 2006, 12:00 AM
I did this site as a boat dive in early August 2006. At that time, with a large south swell, there was virtually no way that it could have been done as a shore dive. It was a fun site to dive, saw some turtles, lots of eels, a nudibranch, and lots of fish. Coral here is not outstanding.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Dan and Kelley Holtman
Oct 18, 2004, 12:00 AM
Oct. 5, 2004 60'FSW/80*F/60'vis. We had already done 3 dives at Koloa Landing and decided to make the surface swim from the landing to the caverns. (It would have been closer from the Sheraton's beach.) We felt good and the ocean was calm. DIVE FLAG A MUST! We never would have found the caverns if the dive boats hadn't been anchored there. It was a 40 minute swim (3/4 mile) at a relaxed pace; the coral improved greatly the deeper we got. We swam upwind of the boats and anchored the dive flag at 45'FSW. When we reached the caverns (fantastic swim-thrus, not caves), we had them to ourselves. There were at least 6 large Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles sleeping under the ledges with large Tiger Cowrie shells decorating the sandy bottom. We saw too many fish to mention and even saw a Dwarf Moray out for a little swim. These caverns were very roomy and lots of light for good vis. A highly recommended boat dive. The swim back was easier as we had the wind to our backs. We even saved enough air to find the dragon moray again at Koloa Landing in the same coral head as the day before :-)
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Lynn McQueeney OWSI
Aug 23, 2004, 12:00 AM
I'm an instructor in Kauai who dives this site all the time. It's a great site, however, the actual name is "Sheraton Caverns". There are no "caves". Also, it would be very much appreciated if you could state a little stronger that this is not a shore dive for most divers. We have too many people who read your website and get stuck halfway, can't make back, and need to be rescued. This is not just a shore dive for hardier divers, it is in fact a boat dive. Most divers don't go far enough to get to the caverns, or like I stated above, they need rescuing. Even with a propulsion vehicle, it's not a good idea. Mahalo.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Harvey Hans
Aug 23, 2004, 12:00 AM
This was my first dive and I can't say how great it was. There was a wide variety of fish and turtles...catching an octopus was a real treat. Conditions on top were flat, and there was very little current to deal with. I can't wait to do it again.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Mike at Lakewood
Oct 6, 2003, 12:00 AM
My favorite spot on Kauai. Dove here a few times. Last dive we had more than 12 turtles there. BIG ONES. It was great in the caves. A must dive!
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Tim Tobish
Jul 11, 2003, 12:00 AM
This was the site of my very first, uncertified dive, having done nothing but played around in a pool for a few hours the weekend before we left for The Big Aloha. Because the dive master felt I was a strong swimmer and comfortable in the water, we did the whole thing - 65' depth, swim-throughs, etc. The first time I did it was off a boat, but we returned a few days later and did it as a shore dive. This is a very beautiful dive, and was a lucky first. The life is plentiful, the visibility good to great, you get sharks in the swim-throughs in the mornings and turtles in the afternoon. LOTS of turtles! I've been to Cozumel and Palau since this first trip, and this dive comes close. Lots of fun, although be prepared for a long swim out. Best dived on a flat day because of the swim. Fortunately it's pretty calm in the winter on the South Shore, when the North Shore is basically undivable.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
May 19, 2003, 12:00 AM
Only the second dive I've ever taken, Sheraton Caves was a real treat. Experienced sea turtles sleeping in caves, petted a huge moray eel and spotted what seemed to be a stonefish (from a fair distance away). Great time and no one else around but my wife and our guide. Check it out!!!
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Tom Walek
Mar 21, 2002, 12:00 AM
Did this as a shore dive. Long surface swim from the parking lot straight out. Returned as a underwater swim. Really one of the nicest dives I had done in Kauai. So many green turtles.
Originally posted on shorediving.com