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Lynn McQueeney OWSI

Lynn McQueeney OWSI's Dive Log


1 dives

Sheraton Caverns on 8/23/2004
Lynn McQueeney OWSI
Lynn McQueeney OWSI
Aug 23, 2004, 12:00 AM
I'm an instructor in Kauai who dives this site all the time. It's a great site, however, the actual name is "Sheraton Caverns". There are no "caves". Also, it would be very much appreciated if you could state a little stronger that this is not a shore dive for most divers. We have too many people who read your website and get stuck halfway, can't make back, and need to be rescued. This is not just a shore dive for hardier divers, it is in fact a boat dive. Most divers don't go far enough to get to the caverns, or like I stated above, they need rescuing. Even with a propulsion vehicle, it's not a good idea. Mahalo.