Cliff Ells's Dive Log
1 dives
Sunrise Beach Park on 1/12/2003
Cliff Ells
Jan 12, 2003, 12:00 AM
Easily one of the best shore dive sites in Puget Sound to see large amounts of interesting sea life and interact. For shore dives, there is a fairly large hill to hike down/up, and the ledge to explore is 150 yards north of the entry point. You must wade/snorkel along shore (beach is private property) to reach it. Otherwise, enter the water, descend the slope to about 40 feet and swim the contour north for 10-12 minutes to reach it. There is minimal to no slack on ebb tides making this dive risky at low tides, Sunrise has prolonged slack times during flood tides. Flood slack equalizes about 40 minutes before the indicated slack at the Narrows. Be careful here, the exchanges tend to push you downward and outward. Best times to dive are before high slacks with minimum exchanges. Look for sea urchins when beginning your dive, you can get SEVERAL wolf eels out and wrapped around you begging for food with a little effort!