Sara's Dive Log
1 dives
Monastery Beach North on 10/29/2007
Oct 29, 2007, 12:00 AM
I am new to diving & my husband pushed me into doing this on my 36th birthday. I am absolutely hooked!! Loved it and I even got close to a 5' Angel Shark. There was so much to see and enjoy. We did 3 dives and went as deep as 89' (with an instructor). I had difficulty getting out the 2nd dive and pretty much learned to respect the power of the ocean. I really started to enjoy it better once I left the feeling of 'controlling it' go. On my last shore entry I put my regulator in my mouth, mask on, waited for the right series of little waves and swam like hell to get in and on my knees for the crawl in. I'm still finding the Monastery Marbles in my gear though. :)