Vito Furnari's Dive Log
1 dives
Nellies Cove on 6/16/2010
Vito Furnari
Jun 16, 2010, 12:00 AM
I really enjoyed this site! Most of my experience comes as a Oregon coast shore diver, so I will review this site with the notion that it is a SHORE dive on the Oregon coast. Entry and exit was much easier than most jetties I have dove. The amount of life was substantially greater than any other shore dive I have seen on the Or. coast. The fact that it was not tide dependant and relatively shallow allowed my buddy and I to get several dives in here. The site was large enough to accommodate several groups of divers and still provided lots of new areas to check out. The last day of our three day weekend spent here, the weather blew in from the south. This immediately stopped our diving, as the waves hit directly onto the entry/exit area. Viz was 8-10ft, enough to really enjoy the area.