Viz (last reported 162268h ago)
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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at San Onofre State Beach
This location, although great for surfers and sunners, probably will not have the best visibility for diving. The shallow reefs, however, do house a wide variety of marine life perfect for you underwater fishermen!
Located 3 miles South of San Clemente, and 19 miles North of Oceanside. From I-5, take the Basilone Exit South and travel 1.4 miles down the Old Highway 101.
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Tide Report
Sep 21, 2021, 1:06 AM
The entry is about 50 yards from the parking.
There's a bit of kelp to wade through, but few other hazards.
Follow the signs to the entrance, and be prepared to part with some your scuba fund.
Take a moment to visit the cliff by the entrance to pick your dive location.

Ron Clough
Jan 17, 2004, 12:00 AM
Very shallow for a long, long way out (3-8ft). Mostly all cobble stones with no reef to speak of. Heavy surf makes this a popular surf spot. Not a good place to bring a beginner both because of the surf and the lack of reef life. This beach is also called Radiation Bay because of the nuclear power plant.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Lance Smith
Sep 23, 2002, 12:00 AM
We heard that this site has good vis sometimes, but this time it was around 5 ft. You have to swim quite a ways out (past the surfers) to get to the other side of the reef (we didn't make it that far). We scrubbed the dive after a short while, poor vis, very shallow. But the waves weren't bit but parking is hard to find, get there before 8am and park at the end (south) of the parking lot.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
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