Viz (last reported 162296h ago)
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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Shell Beach
Shell Beach offers a little more protection for entry than Breakers. Again, this site should only be dived on a calm day.
200 yards South of La Jolla Cove. (See driving directions for La Jolla Cove)
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Tide Report

Sep 21, 2021, 1:07 AM
If you are lucky enough, find a spot at the South end of La Jolla Cove park. The stairs to the beach are straight ahead.
Looking South, the stairs are to the left. Take a moment to watch the sea and choose your entry carefully.
Looking North, with the stairs back to the right.
Channels point you out to sea. If you are not familiar with rocky entries that face the open ocean, stay away!


Paul 1
Aug 19, 2006, 12:00 AM
Just took my kids snorkeling and saw a great number of Guitarfish, leopard sharks and (watch out !) sting rays. Stayed in the sandy areas. There were places where the stingrays almost carpeted the sandy bottom so be careful on entry.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Chris Groll
Jul 15, 2003, 12:00 AM
This site is not for the beginner by any means. There is a Constant rip current about midway between Children's pool and Shell beach acting as a great aid in making your entry. Pick your entry point carefully as you will find yourself 10 ft deep and the next sitting on a hidden boulder you were tossed onto by the relentless surf. Some say there is also a rip that brings you into the south end of the beach for your return but I have still yet to find it. This is an EXCELLENT spot for Lobster. Nice Wall about 100 yds or so out and south of the beach and about 75-10yds north of the Children's pool Sea Wall. The vis can range from horrible to 15 ft day to day but study this site carefully and do not exhaust yourself, save it for the return swim!
Originally posted on shorediving.com
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