Siuslaw River

Siuslaw River

Oregon, USA West
Entry Map
Viz (last reported 110768h ago)
Max Depth

Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Siuslaw River

Another excellent place for crab. The location is a little remote and out-of-the-way, which provides additional adventure! No more than 40 feet deep, you'll find crab and clams, and the occasional abandoned crab pot lost by boaters. Located in Florence, on the North bank of the Siuslaw River, you'll need to get on Rhododendron Drive, which parallels the river bank heading to the ocean. For a scenic drive, head West on 9th Street and turn right on Rhodie, or go West on 35th street and turn right on Rhodie. Follow the directions below.
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Tide Report
Sep 21, 2021, 1:07 AM
This is a view of where you'll be diving. There is a large metal structure to the left. Anyone know what it was used for?! Diving at high slack tide is the easiest. Gently work your way over the rocks to the small 'platform' shown here. It's not a beginner entry/exit, but it's do-able! In a short distance, you'll see the dirt turn out on your right and a dirt road up ahead on your left. Turn left on the dirt road, and you'll be at the dive site About 1 mile North of 35th and 3 miles North of 9th, turn left here on Harbor Road. Parking is just a few yards from the entry, so gear-up at your car.
Aug 9, 2012, 12:00 AM
This is a great dive site. A default site for those of us based in Eugene. Highly recommend having someone orient you to the dive site.
Originally posted on
Adam in Oregon City
Adam in Oregon City
Jan 14, 2009, 12:00 AM
I have dove here a few times before and it is a pretty good spot. Crab hole (unlike what it says) can get down to about 65'. I like to dive slack and head towards crab hole or on a small exchange do a drift dive on the outgoing. I have been much more successful on the drift dives looking through the rocks for crab and various fish while spear fishing.
Originally posted on
Heather from Oregon
Heather from Oregon
Jul 1, 2007, 12:00 AM
Also called Crab Hole, but not a lot of crabs. We did get a bunch of clams. I've dove there many times, some days are great viz 30+ while the next day I can't see my hand. Getting in about 45min before high slack is the best. Since they changed the entry, it's so much easier to get in and out.
Originally posted on
Toast King
Toast King
Aug 31, 2004, 12:00 AM
We dive this site all the time! It's our "default" dive site. We typically make a drift on the incoming tide and then a slack dive on the high tide. The site is also divable on small exchanges. There is a small finger jetty upstream from the entry that creates eddy currents. If you venture away from the jetty wall, make sure you know your compass headings! If you'd like to join us sometime, check out where weekend dive trips are organized on a regular basis.
Originally posted on
Joel Priddy
Joel Priddy
Jan 8, 2004, 12:00 AM
This is a great crabbing place. Most often called the "North Jetty," this site has lots of crab, few fish, and incredible tides. Diving during slack is important if you don't want to walk a long way. Vis was around 15 feet when we went (Dec 12) and we came up with a goody bag full of crab. If you stop by the Scuba shop in Florence, they can give you maps of the underwater showing depths and such. Surface swim to the green buoy just south of entry, then go down. This will ensure you have plenty of air where the crabbing is good.
Originally posted on
Edward J. Palumbo
Edward J. Palumbo
Nov 30, 2003, 12:00 AM
Found the site with the assistance of Central Coast Watersports on Hwy 101 in Florence. Entry at high slack was facilitated by defunct fish ladder, floored with concrete by a coordinated volunteer effort. Visibility on three dives was disappointingly poor. Divers operate beneath sport fishing and crab boats; a safety flag/float is appropriate and recommended. Excellent site for crab, but the bottom is sandy/silty, without hiding places for life that often provides the foundation for a diverse marine environment. Without habitat enhancement or remediation, this site will not fully develop as an underwater park. Current is an issue. If not dived at slack, this is a drift dive. Marine life was not particularly abundant during my visits. Restroom facility was a single Port-a-potty. Parking was adequate for a dozen or more vehicles. I agree that high slack is the best time for uncomplicated entry/egress. Fine site for a family picnic while diver(s) are below. Nearest air refills and supplies at Central Coast Watersports. Initially difficult site to find, but well worth the visit. Good site for crabbing, but limited viz favors the confident or experienced diver. Exercise care with boats overhead.
Originally posted on
Mark Schneider
Mark Schneider
Feb 12, 2003, 12:00 AM
This site is more often called the "North Jetty" at Florence. The current can be strong and this is often approached as a drift dive on the incoming tide. Plan your dive around small to moderate exchanges and you will be able to better explore the long jetty and channel.
Originally posted on
Sep 8, 2002, 12:00 AM
easy access at high tide visibility was poor on the bottom below 30 feet but good to 20 feet
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