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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Martha's Quarry, Lebanon
Martha's Quarry, Lebanon is a 3.142857142857143-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Tennessee, USA Mid which is accessible from shore based on 7 ratings.
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Tide Report
Robbie Tipton
Feb 3, 2018, 12:00 AM
I think this site was owned by Fred Massel or possibly Massle or Mussel. I drove up there with my buddy the Nibbler in 2016 but the place is now closed.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Aug 11, 2016, 12:00 AM
Martha's Quarry has been sold to developers. Nothing to see here, move along.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
William T Ribbs
Oct 7, 2013, 12:00 AM
I went to this place with my dive buddy Mepps Epps. We dove on the crusher building. Vis was pretty good for a quarry. I saw a guy there with a speargun who told me he wanted to bag some of the big walleye that he has seen on past dives...what a '@#*$smoker' Anyway, good place to kill an afternoon especially if you need to buff your skills
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Jul 30, 2013, 12:00 AM
Dove at Martha's Quarry on 7/27/13 to do a couple of refresher dives before a dive trip. Ratings given are relative to a Quarry dive not the Caribbean. Entrance is 584 Quarry Road, Mr. Juliet, TN. No sign at entrance. Fred Massie's telephone number is 860-0000. No real facilities - port-a-potty, parking spots under trees and some picnic tables. Only 4 others diving when we were there. The vis was not bad. It 'is what it is' and served the purpose of a couple quick refresher dives.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Eduardo Toniero
Jul 8, 2004, 12:00 AM
I have been to this place a few times. The usual clientele is a bunch of cut off blue jean wearing multiply tattooed fatties swapping dive stories between cigarettes or gulps of Budweiser. Generally a heinous dive and a heinous dive site!
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Michael Sutton
Jun 17, 2003, 12:00 AM
Martha's Quarry is located about 30 minutes east of Nashville TN off of I-40. Check their website http://www.marthasquarry.com for details / maps / directions / etc. Quarry fee was about $15. A really neat dive as all the Quarry rocker crusher buildings and conveyer belts are still there and underwater. Also freshwater fish that love feeding. Not much in the way of facilities besides a picnic pavilion and a porta potty. Sometimes there are air fills via diesel compressor, but highly recommend taking extra tanks instead.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Michael Sutton
Jun 17, 2003, 12:00 AM
Martha's Quarry is located about 30 minutes east of Nashville TN off of I-40. Check their website http://www.marthasquarry.com for details / maps / directions / etc. Quarry fee was about $15. A really neat dive as all the Quarry rocker crusher buildings and conveyer belts are still there and underwater. Also freshwater fish that love feeding. Not much in the way of facilities besides a picnic pavilion and a porta potty. Sometimes there are air fills via diesel compressor, but highly recommend taking extra tanks instead.
Originally posted on shorediving.com