Mermaid Cove

Mermaid Cove

Sunshine Coast, BC, Canada
Entry Map
Viz (last reported 162345h ago)
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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Mermaid Cove

Mermaid Cove is a wonderful destination with all the campground facilities you'd expect. Named for a mermaid statue sitting on the bottom at about 15 meters, you'll find a wide variety of sea life lurking nearby. You will most likely see an octopus or two during your dive! From the ferry terminal at Saltery Bay, the entrance is less than 1km to the North on 101.
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Tide Report
Sep 21, 2021, 1:05 AM
Drop your gear off here. The water is only a few meters away. A wheel chair ramp is available for a very easy entry, or you may enter closer to the mermaid, over the rocks to the left. Before parking, find this sign, and drive down the hill. There is ample parking near the trail head, but you can drop your gear off near the water.
Bryan Heit
Bryan Heit
Jul 4, 2005, 12:00 AM
This is an excellent dive, with lots to see aside from the Mermaid (but check her out, it's worth it). Entry is a an easy walk down a ramp apparently put in place for the exclusive use of divers. The ramp puts you into a small bay - swim out of the bay to the dive float located just off shore. Descend along the line to the very bottom. The Mermaid is located at a bearing of ~170 degrees from the float's anchor. If you head due south you'll hit the wreck of a small wooden rowboat. On a clear day both the boat and mermaid may be visible from the float anchor. Both are located in a small "valley" - if you find yourself ascending or descending along another wall you've missed them. The small wreck has a few large anenomies and rock fish around it. It is quite intact, and an interesting place to spend a few minutes of your dive. The mermaid herself is amazing, and if you look around her base you'll find a lot of fish and other stuff to look at. But don't just limit yourself to the small valley with the boat and mermaid. There are several cliffs in the area, dropping off to >100' in depth, that are worth exploring. From the mermaid head south - you should hit a wall which drops off quite deep. There is a lot to see on this wall, from sponges, to anenomies, to all kinds of fish. This site also features some tables, a washroom, change rooms, and some outdoor showers where you can rinse your gear. The bay where you enter is also good for swimming. Great place to send the day.
Originally posted on
Dereck Quinn
Dereck Quinn
May 2, 2005, 12:00 AM
Great dive site and facility. The site has easy shore access.
Originally posted on
Diver Derek
Diver Derek
Sep 7, 2004, 12:00 AM
Excellent dive site. Can be done low or high tide. the site offers wheel chair access. It is full of life.
Originally posted on
Diver Derek
Diver Derek
Sep 6, 2004, 12:00 AM
Excellent dive site. She turns 16 next year and we are going to have a party - dive party that is. March 11 to 13th.
Originally posted on
Hal Ross
Hal Ross
Oct 17, 2003, 12:00 AM
I've done this when it's great…..and I've done this (summer) when it was black out from 10 - 60 ft. Summer..poor. Other months, it's great, The tame 3 ft ling cod like to rub up against you.
Originally posted on
Dave CoolHand
Dave CoolHand
Sep 24, 2002, 12:00 AM
A great dive site, lots to see and just a great dive.
Originally posted on
Danny McKenzie
Danny McKenzie
Apr 28, 2002, 12:00 AM
Pretty good site. This site seems better at high tide (less walking!!) We found a small octopus at the bottom of the mermaid. We also met up with a small lingcod who followed us though about 1/2 of our dive. (liked the camera. This is a pretty easy dive. Use your compass to get to the mermaid from underwater, there's lots of things to see on the way. You can also just go down the marker line connected to the mermaid.
Originally posted on
Curt Johnson
Curt Johnson
Oct 9, 2001, 12:00 AM
I have dived this site several times and have loved it each time. reat fish, sea stars, magnificent sponges. A wonderful variety of habitats, from shallow reef to deep walls.
Originally posted on
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